Who You'll Be Working With
There does not seem to be anybody with a greater ability to commit to getting a job done than Liam Hans. As a natural-born leader, Liam ensures SRP is organized, directional, and productive. Being a global humanitarian, Liam has experienced the world through many cultural lenses. He uses that knowledge in harmony with his skills at adaptation and problem solving to shape SRP into the non-profit company that we aim to be.
With an education in international business, an employment background in private intelligence, and an active volunteer firefighter, Tom leads SRP towards the abolitionism group that it is. Bringing firsthand insight into the realities of IPV, Tom is passionate about using his first hand experiences to support and advocate for others.
With an undergrad in criminology and public administration and a master's in sociology, Emily Johnson's analytical mind and incredible intellect is a huge asset to the SRP team. She has been a social justice warrior for several years, fighting passionately in the human rights industry. Naturally, her ambitions translate perfectly to Salva Rescue Projects, and she works to develop programs, lead research, and build the business.